Security Practices

Fully Secured Building

Being a security printer, our premises are solely owned and operated by Canada Ticket Inc. In addition to being alarmed and monitored, our facility is also under constant video surveillance.
Closed Shop Policy & Inspections

We have a closed shop policy. All exterior doors remain locked at all times and visitors must be buzzed-in by our staff. Visitors are signed-in, signed-out, and must be escorted throughout our facility.
Canada Ticket has implemented CTPAT security measures and has successfully completed inspections by the Security Division of several major cities.

Archiving & Documentation Control

Proofs and other electronic information are archived and kept on file. Upon request, these files can be erased / destroyed via a digital shredding program.
All confidential waste is shredded in-house by Canada Ticket employees.
Delivery slips and labels can display as little or as much information as required.
Canada Ticket contracts shipping out to fully-bonded freight companies.
For added security, we can ship your order in locked steel cages. Keys are sent separately by Fed-Ex or UPS.
For more information, please view the following PDF: Security Details