
Amusements & Attractions
24 products
Claim Your Tickets To Adventure
Industry experience
Canada Ticket has been producing tickets, tags and labels of every kind since our doors opened in 1979. As a result, we understand the special considerations and attention to detail that are required for machine dispensed tickets.
Security Features
There are a number of security features and techniques available to prevent counterfeiting. Most counterfeit tickets are produced by colour copying. Please consult your Canada Ticket Account Representative to find out which features are suitable for your application.
Custom Products
Custom-printed thermal tickets can be produced for any type of ticket printer or system in one color, to full colour process, short run or large run ... whatever your need. Consecutive numbers for auditing is also an option.
Stock Products Available
A variety of our stock products are prepared on the shelf ready for next day shipment.
Browse our catalog below:
